Friday, February 17, 2017

PPMC...Part III...The End.

Postscript Note:  I would like to make an amendment to Option 4 below ...the one the Chief of Staff preferred.  I would add the following sentence: "Retention be limited to Adult Males between the ages of 18 and 35."

In addition, I will have another Blog out shortly that will put Mass Muslim Migration and Extreme Islam in a different light.
PPMC his Chief of Staff

"You have heard the briefing so what I would like you to do now is identify the options which you believe are open to me."

"Keep in mind, as I stressed earlier, I am looking for a middle of the road approach to Muslim Migration that will be supported by the Centre."

Chief of Staff..."First thing PPMC, there is no Centre. Many current issues, including the Mass Migration Issue have split the country right down the middle - supporters of tough controls on the Right vs. supporters for more open borders on the Left...the Centre has disappeared."

"Indeed, A recent poll of all European nations shows that 55% want a total ban on Muslim Immigration with a mere 20% opposed to such a ban.  Over the next couple of years you are going to see a clearing of Europe's old guard leadership in favour of those from the Right Wing. I say that because, as a politician, it is important for you to know which way the wind is blowing."

"And they are not all radicals...many are simply afraid.  Every day the papers deal with one or more Muslim Terrorist attacks: today for instance there are two - a suicide blast in Pakistan killed 37 and a car bomb in Baghdad killed at least another 45. Indeed, in the last 2 years 25,000 people have been killed by Islamic Terrorists - 70% of them in just 5 countries - Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan."

"And this trend is now spreading to the West - in 2014 there were only 77 terrorism deaths, one year later that number rose to 577 - a 650% increase and continues to grow.

Chief of Staff....  So let's look at Option 1.

Option One ...Open Borders as much as possible.  I'll call it the George Soros Option - he of Open Borders with one of his notable adherents being none other than Hillary Clinton.  

This option would please the Leftists and would be the most humane for those innocents fleeing war and persecution in Muslim Countries throughout the World.

This approach though would be the best for Terrorists in their bid to enter our country and it would also open wide the door for those who wish to revamp our Country in the image of Islam.

Option Two...Ban all Muslim entry into our country.

This is the direct opposite to Option One and naturally is the one favoured by the Right Wing. Such a Ban would most effectively prevent the negative influences of the current Mass Migration from 
adversely affecting our society.

The Problem with this of course is that it is the least humane approach. 

Option Three...Retain Immigration but with strict controls on who qualifies.  Refugees be blocked at their countries of origin.

A hybrid of Options 1 and 2 which would satisfy neither Left nor Right. It's main value would be in stopping the Refugee Masses used by Terrorists to gain entry into our nation.  It would not be seen though as a humanitarian approach to the problem.

Option Four...Retain Immigration from Muslim Nations, with strict controls on who qualifies before they can enter our country. With respect to Migrant Refugees, they would have to be held in a controlled setting until a proper and thorough screening has been completed.  

Neither the Right nor the Left will be particularly happy with this approach but if done properly, you could expect the moderates on both sides to grudgingly endorse it.

"Tough but Humane".   

PPMC to his Chief of Staff..."I take it you are suggesting Option Four as the preferred one?"


But the Chief of Staff is not the PPMC...YOU ARE.

So What's It Going To Be... 1, 2, 3, or 4.


As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'