Saturday, January 14, 2017


Our National Papers have been actively following the story of a Registered Nurse (RN) charged with the murder of a dozen nursing home elderlies under her care.

With Euthanasia the new norm ...and more and more countries opting to make it legal, it is not surprising that the numbers of assisted suicide (legal murder) are snowballing.

This causes me to wonder if the above-noted RN is simply a bit ahead of the curve and that one day soon she will be seen as the Matron Saint of this abhorrent practice.

I say that since current polling indicates that a majority is in favour of it.

That's what brings me back to today's title regarding Legalized Gambling.

For years, governments professed to abhor all aspects of gambling and the 'unsavory' people who engaged in this 'immoral practice'. 

But that was then - today is now... where cash strapped governments are only too willing to dirty their hands in this.  I laugh out loud when I see a small gambling outfit - i.e. not pre-blessed by government, prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the temerity to ...well..gamble. 

It seems to me that governments' ire has more to do with it losing profits than it does with any concern for morality.

Simply stated, how in hell can government claim to fight against 'illegal gambling' when it is up to its collective armpits in this tawdry business. Of course it can't.

To be clear, as a Libertarian, I am not opposed to an individual gambling - heck I have succumbed to buying the odd lotto ticket and in my younger years went occasionally to the track with a $20 Bill in my pocket.  It's just that I do not see it to be governments' role to be actively involved in it. 

But what is clear ...whether it reigns in money from a plethora of lotteries or from skimming off profits from legal casinos, governments come out it Winning Big Time.

So what does this have to do with Euthanasia?

Well it wasn't that long ago when one of government's most important jobs was to protect the lives and welfare of its citizens...all of them.  Why laws have been on the books from time immoral to outlaw murder and since the time Before Christ, Doctors have pledged to 'do no harm to their patients'. 

Again, that was then and today is now.

I am particularly concerned because I am near the top of the Baby Boom and as such, am fully conscious of the fact that government health care systems will not be able to cope with our aging populace. 

What better way to deal with our influx than by seeing us prematurely 'offed'.  Not only will the heirs rejoice, but governments will save Big Bucks in the process while basking in the knowledge that the bulk of the populace is supportive.

And do not think for a minute the dirty deed will be limited to oldies - in many countries where Euthanasia is legal it applies equally to the infirm as well as to children.  

As I have said before, either life is sacred or it is not.  Once you give into Assisted Murder you are Gambling on it being judiciously applied.  It won't be. 

Why I'd even say you can safely Bet On It.

As I see it... 

'K.D. Galagher'