Thursday, July 21, 2016

Good Coups... Bad Coups.

The Failed Coup in Turkey, over this past weekend, should be summed up as a 'Good Coup' that sadly failed.

Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is no Democrat despite what the 'little guy' in the White House continues to call him - as does our own Foreign Affairs Minister 'Dim' Dion.

Here is what the Tyrant himself says about himself: I am the head of the executive, legislative and judicial bodies".  

Some Democrat.

Now His Dear Highness is on a purge of his enemies that will either see him installed for life or cause another a second Coup... one that will be successful.

One of Turkey's claim to fame - even before this weekend's attempted putsch, is that it has imprisoned more media types than any other nation in the world.  I guess that is something to aspire to if you are an Obama or a Dion.

But more worrisome in all of this is the fact that Erdogan is committed to turning Turkey into an Islamic State from a Secular one.  With all the trouble the world is facing from Extreme Islamists his timing could not be worse.

Turkey is a member of NATO ... it should be booted out.

It is trying gain membership in the EU - it should be turned down unreservedly.  

So a good Coup - that failed.  

Many point to the fall of Iraq's Saddam Hussein in 2003 as the beginning of the troubles for the Middle East when in fact it actually goes back to 1979 when the Shaw of Iran was forced to flee to the United States.

The Shaw was deposed by the infamous Ayatollah Khomeini and this marked the real beginning of today's crisis in the Middle East. Khomeini should never ever have been allowed to return to Iran and guess - Dear Reader - who was responsible - none other than the second worst President in American history - Jimmy the peanut farmer Carter.

The removal of the Shaw (Iran)  has to go down as the very Worst Successful Coup in modern time.

Second worst is the take-out of Saddam (Iraq).  As Donald Trump so aptly points out - guys like Saddam may have been bad dudes but at least they could keep the lid on Muslim Radicals like ISIS and Al Qaeda. Our thanks in this case goes to George W. Bush.

We then come to Egypt where we experience both a bad coup as well as a good coup. The bad coup took place in 2011 with the overthrow of strongman - but decent chap - Hosni Mubarak followed by a good counter coup 3 years later where the Egyptian Military led by Field Marshall al-Sisi overthrew Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood.  The Brotherhood's goal was to see Egypt enveloped into the Muslim World of Nations.

Two others of note:

Syria - a failed coup that would have been a good coup had it worked. Today we see its President, Basha al-Assad, clinging to power with the help of Iran and Russia.  Nearly half a million Syrian Civilians have been killed since hostilities erupted in that war-torn country.  

The other is Libya - here though we have another coup like Iraq - though successful - was Bad.  Like Saddam - Muammar Gaddafi was a bad guy - but was good for his country since he too was able to keep the Muslim Extremists in check.  Today his country is a failed state.

It started with the Bad Coup in Iran, really started to snowball with the Bad Coup in Iraq and most recently with the Good Coup that failed in Turkey.

Carter and Bush take a bow for their shortsightedness and Obama for his fiddling, over the last 8 years, while the Middle East burned.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'