Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Yesterday's assassination of Russian Ambassador, Andrey Karlov, could be seen as a mirror image of the slaying of Archduke Ferdinand some 100 years earlier.  

As per the piece below; both assassinations involved Turkey and Russia, and both occurred in the same tinderbox part of the world.  

  • The Treaty of Berlin (1878) settled the disposition of lands lost by the Turks following their disastrous war with Russia. 
It was the ongoing insult to Turkish pride at the loss of these lands that ultimately led to the Archduke's death and to the disastrous consequences of World War One.

The Big Difference between then and now is that the First War's new weapons consisted of the machine gun and the tank whereas should another conflagration breakout today, it would be with Nuclear Weapons.  

I have yet to read or hear of anyone else connecting the two assassinations but I suspect that it is only a matter of time before it happens.

As I have mentioned on countless occasions, the Middle East is on fire thanks to the two most recent US Presidents - George W. Bush and Barack Obama.  Bush foolishly took out Saddam Hussein thereby creating a vacuum that Iran and its lackey - Syria, were only too happy to fill. Obama then fiddled while the Middle East burned when all he had to do was impose a 'no fly zone' over the contentious parts of Iraq and Syria which would have effectively blocked Iran, Syria and Russia from entering the fray. 

Once they were there, it was too late.

And to add insult to injury, the current little guy in the White House entered into an agreement with Iran which guarantees its entry into the World's Nuclear League of Nations... a nation that is committed to removing Israel from the face of the earth. 

Brilliant, n'est pas? 

Hopefully the world has learned its lesson from the disastrous wars of the last century but I would not be willing to bet the farm on it.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'