Monday, November 14, 2016


If I was The Donald for a Day here is what I would do on both the Staffing Front and with respect to Policy Initiatives.  I will limit my picks to 6 for both.


1. I would appoint former New York City Mayor - Rudy Giuliani as Chief of Staff.  Rudy has oodles of street smarts and knows everyone who is anyone.  If he could - as he did - clean up New York - the White House and its environs would be a piece of cake for him;

2. Secretary of State would go to Campaign Mgr KellyAnne Conway.  KellyAnne is smart, smart, smart ...nobodies fool and yet she is calm, collected and can speak with confidence on her boss' behalf.  Plus she was able to tame the beast - aka The Donald - so lesser individuals like Putin and his ilk would be a sinch;  

3. The Attorney General would be Knut Gingrich.  He has a hide as tough as a rhinoceros and would not back down from anyone ... including the President.  Like the olde LBJ - Knut knows where all the bodies are buried; 

4.  Secretary of State for Homeland Security would be Chris Christie - the guy is wily, devious, driven and yet a great communicator;

5.  Dr. Ben Carson would fit in well for Sec. State Health.  Why the guy's not only a neurosurgeon, he is religious to boot and is well placed to re-think Obama Care and put in long needed term limits for abortion; 

6.  For Secretary of Defence, I would install Lt. General (Ret'd) Michael Flynn.  The guy is as tough as nails and woe to anyone other than the President himself who tries to get in his way.  With his extensive background in dealing with Terrorist - they will have met their match and more. 


1.   Stop the Illegal Immigrants from coming in.  If that can be done with or without a Wall,  so-be-it; 

2.   Abolish or Retool Obama Care - so that it is cost effective, allows the patient to keep their Doctor, and does not result in job losses;

3.  Quit Wasting Money on Global Climate Change.  Clean up our own air and water and our land from the real pollutants;

4.  Rebuild the Military.  Under Obama it has been allowed to wither;

5.  Restore realistic Term Limits for Abortion.  Maybe Hillary did not have any difficulty with birth canal abortion but I bet you do;

6.  Appoint Justices to the Supreme Court of America who respect the Constitution.  In other words - they are content to do the job as it was intended - to interpret the law made by Congress - and not make the law from their lofty bench. 

Underlying all of the above is the desperate need for the new Government to go immediately to Surplus Budget Status and then move quickly on seriously addressing the Massive Debt - some $20 Trillion Dollars.  The current fiscal situation is a time-bomb that if allowed to explode - ie by continuing to spend more than is taken in...will make the Great Depression look like kids play.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'