Saturday, November 12, 2016


Question first.  What were the two major promises The Donald made in his recent Election Campaign?

Times up.

To Scrap Obama Care and to Build The Wall.

So what happens right after he meets with President Barack Obama, in the White House, on Friday?  

He says that he would "like to keep some of the popular provisions" of the Plan.

In other words, he moved his lips, opened his mouth and out poured the words of a politician.

So what is it with elected Candidates?  As soon as they inhale the air of a nation's capital they change from honest campaigners to lying ... well you get the idea.

And we have protests in the streets worrying that the Trump / Republican win will bring about change.  Put away your pitchforks folks.

And that's not all.

I read in this weekend's paper that Trump has established his Transition Team which includes Florida's Attourney General, Pam Bondi.  This apparently is the same Pam Bondi who threatened awhile back to have her State join New York in the ongoing probe of Trump University.

According to article - a mere 4 days after her threat was made, a campaign donation in the sum of $25,000 was made to Bondi from the Trump Family Foundation.

Sound familiar?

The moral of this sad story is the more things change...the more they stay the same.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'