Sunday, November 27, 2016




And yet, Canada's 'Trudeau' Prime Ministers - loved and love him.

Gives you an idea of the quality of his worldly admirers.

When fellow Canadians would tell me that they were going to vacation in Cuba because of its cheap cost, I would encourage them to be sure to drop by the prisons while there and give their best wishes to its many political prisoners.

And a friend once allowed that he just loved to visit Cuba - "it is like going back 50 - 60 years in time...why they still use donkeys in their labours'.

I asked him if he had asked any of these labourers if they too believed themselves fortunate for their regressive existence?

"I see your point", he sheepishly replied.

It is not that Cuba is all gloom and doom - in fact, it has an education system the envy of many, and other than for chronic shortages, its Medical System too is highly regarded.

So the Progressives amongst us wax eloquent about those achievements.

But in return for these two pluses - there is no political freedom, no freedom of the press, no freedom of speech... no human rights.

Scarcity is the norm with respect to everything - which is especially hard to take when it comes to the lack of food.  (That said, it always appeared that the two Castro Brothers had ample to eat).  

But of course that is just the way it is in Socialist Utopias.

All the while, Workers in Cuba get by on subsistence wages - paid in worthless Cuban Pesos.

With the Big Guy's Passing it will be interesting to see if Cuba can continue to survive in such inhuman conditions. 

Certainly it will not in the long term and my guess is that it will not even be able to do so in the short term.  

But what is clear - Cuba under Castro for the last 50 years has been an unmitigated disaster.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'