Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Clearly, at least to me, what we witnessed yesterday was a once in a lifetime opportunity to get the Ship of State back on course. 

And when I say Ship of State, I am referring not only to the United States but to the World as a whole.

Russia is out and about causing Mayhem while China is flexing its enormous military and financial strength.

Petty Dictators are doing their worst.

Terrorism is running amuck and once ISIS is defeated - as it will be - it will be simply be replaced by another equally evil group.

We also find ourselves on the verge of another nuclear proliferation made the more sinister by the evil states that are about to join the club.

I could go on and on but the bottomline is - America's enemies no longer fear it, while its allies no longer trust it.

Almost by default - the new Trump Government cannot be any worse than the spinless administration we have seen in office over the course of the last 8 years.

In the area of Business - Trump is on record as saying he will reduce Corporate Taxes from 32% to 15% - that is to say - the same low rate my own country levies on business.  This will send a strong message that America is open for business...that 'profit' is no longer a dirty word.

His pledge to scrap Obama Care -  will also free up business - especially small and medium business - of it's job killing health levies.

For the Republican Party, it presents a golden opportunity for it to reach out to the minorities.  Currently the GOP consists mostly of aging white people and if this continues - even with its renewed leadership under Donald Trump, it is destined to die out.

Simply stated, in order to survive, the Republicans need the Blacks and the Hispanics as much as they need the GOP. 

The Democrats for years have professed to represent them by doling out subsistence living benefits and keeping them poor and unemployed.  What the Dems really want is their votes and by keeping them dependent they are ensured of getting them.

The Ghettos need to be busted up and the youth need to be fully educated.  Jobs must be found for those capable of work.  

It is a mammoth job but one that Trump has indicated he is willing to take on.  I fervently hope he does because to have a healthy and vibrant society it means that the talents and energy of everyone must be tapped into.  

The fact that the Republican Party will benefit from this is simply a welcome side effect.

This is how America can truly come together and hopefully this rare opportunity will not be lost.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'