Saturday, October 8, 2016


That is the sum paid to Judas to betray Christ.

I hope that the Reporter who recently revealed his off-the-record, locker room banter with Donald Trump is equally compensated for his treachery.

I really mean it since if this character has a modicum of conscience he will need something to sooth his guilt.

But I am not here to concern myself with this bozo - rather I am here to give you an update on my feelings toward Donald Trump.

In short - I think, and I now hope, that he will fail in his bid to become President.

He has been accused of not considering women his equal and as a result of the recently released tape, this has been confirmed in spades.

Had it not been for his mouth ...

But thankfully for us his mouth did him in - even if the circumstances surrounding it - stink.

So that leaves Hillary the last man standing - so to speak.

If I was an American - Readers will know that I would never vote for her - and now I have discounted The Donald as well.

As a self-professed Libertarian - it would seem likely that I would then vote for this third party - but I would not.

Libertarians stand for isolation in the USA at a time when the world is going to hell in a hand-basket. Nuclear Proliferation is out of control and Terrorists Attacks are occurring at least daily.  Russia has gone rogue, and China is flexing its mighty muscles.  

Now is not the time for the US to turn its back militarily.

And the Green Party is just a nuts as the Rest of the World's Greenies.

No thanks.

If I had to vote - and I would - None of the Above - would be my preferred selection.  

A pox on all their houses.

How the US got to a point where this is all it has to offer for their top Political Spot is a mystery.

Sadly - not only will America suffer the price after November's election - but so too will the entire world.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'