Saturday, October 22, 2016


My thanks for this title to the late John Diefenbaker.

I think I am just about ready to throw in the towel.  This week saw a column in one of my daily papers ...the one that is right of centre, proclaim that social conservatives are a "dying constituency".

It went on..."the blue rinse set is not exactly a growing demographic, as death notices attest.. nor is the Bible Belt gaining any girth..."

The author is correct of course - and his analysis pertains to all Western Democracies., not just here in North America.

Today, Everything and Anything goes save for Morality, Personal Responsibility, Freedom, Truth and Justice.

There is much blame to go around: - Violent & Sex filled Television / Internet; Loss of Work Ethic tied to Unrestricted Social Programs*; A Drug Culture;  Ghettos; Decline in Religion combined with The Progressives' Disdain For It replaced by the Progressive Environmentalists quest for the Golden Fleece...that is to say, a world without economic activity.

      *did you know that Since Year 2000 Ten Million Americans..mostly Men of Employment Age have Ceased Working...They are neither Disabled nor Even Seeking Work ...They are simply Voluntarily Idle. 

I view Social Conservatism as the Conscience of Society...without it, Society seeks mostly pleasure and financial reward - at the expense and hard-work of others.

The day will come when I will have to explain to my late Grandparents - they who endured the Great Depression with the great strength of their convictions and survived two disastrous World Wars - how, where and why our generation went wrong. 

After profusely apologizing to them, I will point out to them that they and their ancestors before them did all the heavy lifting - leaving us a cushy world where we could focus and dwell on the piddly... such things as how many different sexes can balance on the head of a pin and whether or not we need to fear a clear odourless gas; the kind of gas that plants can breath in so we can breath out.

We are witnessing today the decline of Social Conservatism in the United States -its last bastion: the corrosive hand of Progressivism having already sapped the inner strength of the rest of us.

Here is what they are in for:

  • God is no longer Supreme;
  • Life is no longer sacred from beginning to end and in between;
  • The Traditional Family as Society's Cornerstone- Woman, Man and Child discredited;
  • Treat Others as You Wish to be Treated is passe;
  • Education, once the Key to Success, now only excels at Political Correctness;
  • Debt has become the Progressives' Motto;
  • Big Government - cradle to grave nanny state, the new reality;
  • All Takers and No Doers.
Welcome to the new world...

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'