Friday, October 21, 2016


Dear Reader, the Donald is toast and ...deserves to be.

Not to put too fine a point on it...the Guy is a Pig and in saying that I apologize to pigs since they do not deserve the comparison.

But I do feel so sorry for his know the ones Hillary and her Politically Correct Gaggle describe as low life, uneducated, bigoted, red necked, creationists!

Well count me as being among their numbers.

I would rather be one of them, than a follower of Obama-Clinton.

Here is what the United States is in for:

  • Life will no longer be sacred;
  • The Traditional Family no longer the cornerstone of society;
  • Open Borders the standard;
  • Green Policies will be dirigeur...(see Ontario to find out what this will mean);
  • The US will continue to be the doormat for the World's Evil Doers;
  • Neutral Countries, along with your former allies, will turn to Russia and China for their security;
  • Nuclear Proliferation will go unchecked;
  • The Middle East / Africa will continue to be in great turmoil;
  • Big Government will get Bigger along with its cradle to grave philosophy;
  • More and more of working age will opt out of the Workforce leaving fewer and fewer to cover that cost as well as trying to provide for a rapidly aging society;
  • The Debt / Deficits will continue to climb to outrageous levels;
  • The Attack on Capitalism will intensify.
The Left like to talk about Sustainability but one thing is for sure - the above results will in themselves Not Be Sustainable.  

Dear Reader, the United States of America is in for a Great Fall.

Sadly it will take Western Society down with it.

Something to keep in mind when those of you who support Hillary, giddily rejoice at her Election next month.

This at a time when Capitalism has shown itself to be far superior to any other form of economics - most notably - those promoted by Russia and China.  So at a time when those two countries should be moving toward our way of life, they are being permitted to resist it based upon the West's Politically Correct Progressives.

When the crash comes - as surely it will, should the Progressives continue to dominate, Russia and China will only be too happy to step in and pick over the pieces. 

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'