Thursday, October 6, 2016


We have all heard the big criticism... 'isn't too bad that there are not better candidates running for President than Hillary or The Donald".

Well Tuesday eve we saw one who appears to stand head and shoulders above them both - I am speaking of course of Indiana Governor and Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Mike Pence.

If only Trump had handled Hillary in their Debate the way Pence handled his Democratic VP nominee.

Makes you wonder if Trump would promise to resign immediately upon being elected...allowing Governor Pence to become Prez in his place - would that guarantee a Republican victory?

A fairy-tale I know but it would be so much better than what the US and indeed the World have before them now.

And speaking of that - I finally got to watch 13 Hours yesterday - the appalling account of the storming of the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. The Ambassador there had been calling for greater security for weeks and even at the time of the attack was still asking for help... help which was but minutes away at a CIA stronghold. 

Hillary Clinton - his ultimate boss, was the intended recipient of his multiple requests.

When I first learned of this tragedy, mention was made of the numerous requests for beefed up security but I did not for one moment blame Clinton for what resulted.  I figured, like in most bureaucracies - someone screwed up along the line and the Ambassador's requests never reached and/or were never allowed to reach the Secretary of State.

But I was soon realized from her cover-up that she was in it up to her arm pits.

Had it been me or you, we would have come out immediately and said, we screwed up and innocent men have paid with their precious lives.  As Secretary of State, I am going to leave no stone unturned until I find out who is/are responsible in my Department for this tragedy.

And we will make certain that this never happens again in our proud American History !

Rather than doing that, Dear Hillary's immediate public response was to say, it was a 'spontaneous attack resulting from some obscure American video unflattering to Muhammad'.

Upon saying this, she then immediately texted her daughter to say it was indeed a planned Terrorist Attack and that it had nothing to do with the non-descript video.

But her biggest mistake was yet to come. Shortly after the Attack - which she continually referred to as an Assault, she appeared before a Committee of Congress and had this to say:

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?" 

I could not believe it!  I tried to put myself in the place of the families of the Ambassador and his handful of bodyguards who all perished in the 'assault' and wondered what they must be thinking - all the while knowing their dead love-ones had continually sought help from the Secretary of State's office in the lead-up to this Terrorist Attack.

How Hollow her statement of 'What difference at this point does it matter.'

And yet the Progressives give their unconditional support to Hillary!

And, although I would much prefer Pence to either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton - I'd take Trump over Hillary any day of the week.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'