Saturday, October 1, 2016

Okay Galagher ...Now That The Polls Are Out ... Do You Still Think Trump Won Monday's Presidential Debate?

Note: I forgot to mention that during the Decade plus that our Progressives have been in power their Green Energy fiasco has more than doubled our Debt ...from $140 Billion to over $300 Billion. What a disaster and from Hillary's own mouth - if elected she will impose the self same mistake on all of America. 

No I do not.

Polls done scientifically can usually be relied upon - especially if there are several and they confirm one another's findings.

The Polls show that Hillary bested Trump... it does not mean Trump lost the debate, it means more importantly that the folks considered Hillary to be the winner.

Ergo - She won.

And not by much, since the Polls show her to have advanced only by a couple of % points - but it was enough to blunt The Donald's recent rise.

In the final analysis this Debate has the potential of signalling the end for the Republican chances to regain the White House.

And whereas Hillary - post debate, went about her campaigning as if she won the biggest prize since she married Slick Willy, Trump on the other-hand went about with a Hang-Dog defeatist countenance. 

I still believe Hillary did herself no favours in the Debate - a pundit summed it up very well when he said you have to put yourself in the position of an American Voter listening to her platitudes and meaningless Gruel -  to realize that through all her verbiage she had nothing to offer anyone other than the most Progressive - that is to say, the most out of touch. 

And Trump, to his discredit let her get away with it almost at will.

Let me offer one key instance as an example:

Dear Hillary promised that if elected, she would make the United States of America the Mecca and Envy of the World in the matter of Green Energy.  It would save the Planet - she said, and create oodles of high paying jobs etc etc.

Trump stood spell-bound.

I can tell you from our own Provincial (State) experience that this is all Hog Wash.

We too had a Government which came into power over a Decade ago - making the same stupid promise.

Instead of gaining jobs - we lost hundreds of thousands - industry / business could no longer compete and fled to jurisdictions which were not handcuffed by the Green Energy Nonsense.

Power rates tripled.  An Audit for the relatively brief period - 2008 to 2014 (6 years) confirmed that our power users paid $34 Billion Too Much.

Power that could have been obtained via H2O or Nuclear at 4 to 6 cents per Kilowatt Hour was costing the taxpayer 80 some cents per kwh being paid to the Greenie Energy Producers - via Wind Mills and Solar.

Homeowners are going without heat - ours is a cold climate - because they simply cannot pay the exorbitant cost of electricity. 

To make matters worse, our Government had the temerity to brag that they were making money hand over fist by selling surplus power to neighbouring States - such as New York and Michigan.  What it did not say was the fact that they were selling it at something around 20% of its cost.

To put it into perspective - let's say at a hamburger stand it cost $1.00 to make each hamburger and that they then sold it for .20 cents and bragged that they were making a profit.  Losing .80 cents per burger would not see them last in business for long.

Not only that, on occasion - our Government has even been forced to pay jurisdictions like New York / Michigan to take the excess power off our hands.  

Going back to the Burger analogy - it would mean giving away say .25 cents per Burger that costs a Dollar.  What nonsense ... and yet this is one of Dear Hillary's fondest ambitions.

It is not over by a long shot - but if in the next debates - Trump does bring Hillary up short for her Whoppers - such as the Green Energy Debacle above - it will be over - and this past Monday's Debate was the beginning of the end.

As I see it...

K.D. Galagher'