Saturday, October 29, 2016


Longer time readers will know that I am no fan of the Progressive...Hillary Clinton.

But I do not think for a minute that she deserves having FBI Director James Comey reopen their investigation against her at this late date in the US Presidential Campaign.

When the same James Comey announced in early July that the FBI was bringing to a close its investigation I was of mixed feelings. On the one hand there was no question in my mind the number two politician in America... she knew darned well that it was not only wrong to work from separate insecure internet was also very dangerous for a host of reasons.  I did not believe she should go to prison for her folly but did believe that a hefty fine followed by a prohibition from running for political office would suffice.

On the other-hand, even at that point July, I reluctantly was relieved by the FBI's decision to drop its investigation because even then it was too late in the Election Process to proceed with an indictment.  If an indictment was in the cards ...and as I mentioned it should have been ...the decision to do so should have come before the Presidential Campaigns got underway last year.

What we have here Paul Newman might very well say - is a bureaucrat deciding what should be left to the voter.

Comey's action has naturally resulted in renewed optimism on the part of the Trump Campaign but I believe it will be to no avail. Hillary is headed for an election win come Hell of High Water.  

And that is as it should be..though I do feel sorry for Trump supporters with whom I identify rather than with the Progressive 'Wrong Headed Thinkers' who support Clinton. The former made America great - the latter have resulted in its downward slide.

I digress.

In our own country, it was not that long ago when the RCM Police announced that an investigation had been commenced against a very prominent Liberal Cabinet Minister in the midst of one of our Election Campaigns.

A pall was cast over the campaign which the ruling Liberals lost - no doubt in part to their public announcement.

Even though I am conservative (read Libertarian) I was dismayed then by the actions of our cops.  Simply stated, they had and have no business interfering with the Election Process once underway.

Over my years in politics I have seen the democratic rights of the citizen radically eroded the Courts, by Human Rights Busy Bodies, and by Centralized Overly Controlling Executives.

We need desperately to seize back control from them in order to re-enfranchise the citizen.  At the same time, we now need to protect our rear flank from the undemocratic actions of bureaucrats like the FBI and the RCMP.

And that dear Reader is why I Am Livid.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'