Saturday, September 17, 2016


As in who in their right mind would wish to be a politician.

Take what is going on in the USA for instance....

Their every move is watch and their every utterance is parsed in hopes for a gaff.

By 'Their' I mean of course The Donald and The Hillary.

Donald Trump is not the dunce he is portrayed to be nor is Hillary the Crook she is thought by so many to be.

Day after Day, Month after Month their Presidential Campaign has been raging on - long flights, long hours and what do they get in return - abuse.  By the pundits, by the Press, by the Opposing Party and too often by Members of their Own Party.

You have to be a Masochist to get any joy out of this.

The only job I see worse is being a Royal and having to feign interest in inane ceremonies held across the Commonwealth supposedly in their Honour.  Plastic smiles anyone?

But it is not just the top politicos that get this treatment.

Recently our local Member of the Provincial Legislature (comparable to a State in the US) was chastised severely for telling a slightly off colour joke at an 'off the record gathering in support of a local charity).  Word has it that he was advised to lighten things with this joke by his wife.  I have known this chap for a long time and have never heard him so much as say 'damn'.

Anyway the poor guy lost all his Parliamentary responsibilities - was forced to take Politically Correct Sensitivity Training and then forced to apologize to his Political Colleagues.

I would have told the Party and its Leader to 'shove it'.

But this is the Politically Correct fishbowl our politicians are now living in.

A few years back a very senior Cabinet Minister in our National Government was forced to resign for jokingly saying he had a bomb on him.  He was wrong - dumb thing to say - but he was booted so fast from Cabinet ...  a little overkill is you ask me and just another example of fishbowl politics. 

So if you do not like the quality of our politicos these days ... this might just be one of the big reasons why.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'