Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Gallagher...Who Won Last Evening's Presidential Debate?

Good Question.

I know that I am in the midst of a two-parter Blog but it would be remiss of me to delay writing about the last eve's Presidential Debate of the Century.

Okay - back to the question.

Short answer...I do not know.

I say that because often debates are not won or lost in the doing but are determined by which side has the best Spin Meisters.  And, I suspect Hillary will have a big edge there - plus most of the Media trying their best to depict her as victorious.

In the final analysis though it will come down to the Polls ...as it always does.

But, for the record, here is my analysis:

  • Clinton won the first half;
  • Trump won the second half;
  • Hillary looked the more Presidential throughout;
  • But the edge goes to Trump simply because few believed he could go toe to toe with his more experienced opponent.
So by a slim margin, I believe Trump came out on top.

So now we leave it to the above-noted Spin Meisters to work their magic....and in the meantime, we await the Polling Results over the course of the next few days which in the final analysis will determine the real winner. 

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'