Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Who Ya Gona Vote 4 ??

These days, it seems when two or more get together the talk is about the American Election and more specifically 'Who Do You Think Will Win...Trump or Hillary?'

Indeed, I have lost count of the number of times I have been asked this question and it goes something like this:

  • Hey Gallager if you could vote in the US Election would you vote for Trump or Hillary.
  • "Trump" I say.... "can't stand Hillary".
  • Trump is a nut bar at least you know what Hillary stands for.
  • "True" I say... "and that is why I prefer Trump".

But in thinking about it ...it goes way beyond my belief that Hillary is a money grabbing, inveterate liar.

Take the Beer Test if you will.

Who would you want to sit down with over a beer - Trump or Hillary.

I think if you were honest - you'd say Trump.

But even that does not quite define - at least for me, why I'd vote Trump if given the opportunity.

Simply stated I like and identify with his supporters!!

They are people like you and me - not hoity toity - just simply hard working and often god fearing folk who are tired of having their way of life ridiculed in a politically correct world:

  • Hard work is a mugs game;
  • Capitalism and Profit are evil;
  • Abortion and Euthanasia are derigueur;
  • Smoking's bad, marijuana is cool;
  • Religion is for the knuckle draggers;
  • They can't be trusted to raise their own kids;
  • Marriage is no longer defined as being between a man and a woman;
  • The Environment is the new Religion ...Stupid;
  • Tax, spend and rack up Debts and Deficits;
  • Police are pigs;
  • Whites are responsible for all of society's ills;
  • etc.
Count me with these supposed losers.

And as for the hoity toity - the Busybody Takers - just look who Hillary surrounds herself with - the arrogant, know it all Hollywood set that count themselves comfortably in the 1 %ers.  I can just imagine how long they would sit still to see their incomes taxed at usurious rates as the B and Ts would like.  Not long I can tell you.

And the socialist politicians that hover at her beck and call - they have never had a real job in their lives - preferring to live off the avails of the hard working taxpayers.

And then dear reader we have the Media - so far up ...you know - where the sun don't shine.  No wonder Hillary and her ilk look so good to them.  These none-news folks have been able to sway public opinion time and again away from the Producers and Doers and chances are they will once again be successful this November.

But I for one do not like it and I still believe there are enough Americans who feel likewise.  

Trump has a good chance of winning despite recent polls but even if he does not win, I can take solace from the fact that there are worse things than losing - take for instance winning without a speck of integrity.

So count me among the red necks and the losers - aka 'the Doers' -

There I am at Home.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'