Wednesday, August 10, 2016

TEN THOUSAND BDS FOOLS MEET IN MONTREAL ...and the 11 year old girl.

Thousands of Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) followers are meeting this week in Montreal Canada with not only government approval but with government financial support. 

BDS of course is a movement against everything Israel and has over recent years spread across our Universities like a living cancer. 

Why Israel? may well ask, since it is the only ray of hope in the Middle East - a Democracy - with Rule of Law - and strong protection of Human Rights.

The answer of course lies in the fact that antisemitism is on the rise throughout the world.  It is to weep.

Which leads me to our 11 year old girl whom I met today and listened to her story.

Our heroine was that tender age when the Nazi stole her Austrian homeland and shortly thereafter tore her Jewish father from his family's arms and sent him to the infamous death camp Aushwitz. She told me she remembers the day like it was yesterday.

He died there.

Her mother was Christian and thus spared the camp but died shortly after the war presumably of a broken heart.  She had not only lost her husband to these animals but her young daughter as well whom she never saw again. 

Permit to explain. 

The family had an aunt in England who convinced the mother to send her daughter there.  So one day in 1938 her young daughter boarded a bus with other children of her age ... right down to tiny babies in diapers and left Austria.

When she reached England - she was told that her aunt could not take her in because she was a live-in domestic and there was no room for her.  She was placed in the home of an elderly couple who provided for her needs best they could. 

She told me today that she still vividly recalls how very homesick she was.  You could still see the pain in her eyes.

As she told me her story I thought of all those Holocaust deniers spouting their venom but it made me appreciate all the more the strength of character that this young girl possessed.

She went to school - married and has 5 wonderful children.  It is indeed a testimony to the strength of the human spirit.

She and her husband immigrated to Canada and enjoyed a long married life before her husband's recent death.  She is still physically and mentally fit despite the fact that she will turn 90 on her next birthday. 

She is quick to smile despite the tragedy of her youth and told me that she always reminded her late husband that he was most lucky to have married her - an orphan - since it meant he did not have to contend with an overbearing mother-in-law.  We laughed. 

Give me her Spirit any day over the wickedness of the 10,000.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'