Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Elephant and the Donkey.

This coming week, will see the conclusion of the Nomination Conventions for both the Republican and Democratic Parties in the United States.

Trump has been confirmed and Hillary about to be.

One is a performer with no political experience whatsoever - a clown if you will while the other is an olde school pol who will do whatever is necessary - e.g. lie - to get her own way.

So who do I think will win - Hillary of course - how can she lose  - she has the women's vote, the youth vote, the black vote, the hispanic vote, the welfare vote etc etc.

Trump has but the vote of old white males.

Bookmakers too share this opinion giving dear Hillary 3 to 1 odds to win.

But of course Bookmakers are sometimes wrong as recently evidenced by Britain's vote to leave the EU.  The bookies overwhelming favoured the remain side to their chagrin.

And don't forget dear Reader that the same thing was said about The Donald when he began his quest for the Republican Crown nearly a year ago.  He was a Clown - unhinged, a dolt - no one in their right mind would vote for him.

Well someone(s) did.  He took the Republican Nomination with the most votes ever recorded in the history of the party.

Even I said at the beginning that although I was glad to see him in the race - so critical issues could finally see the light of day - I did not for a minute think he would end up victorious.  

So maybe - just maybe, this time the Elephant will prove to be victorious.

But the Trumper is making it difficult for himself.  In a Party criticized for being too old and too white - he picks a VP Candidate who like himself is old and grey.

I simply do not understand his choice when there were VP candidates available to him like Marco Rubio who would cut into the Hispanic Vote which would otherwise go to the Dems. 

Hillary's choice for VP is similarly tarnished (old/white) yet she need not worry about offending the Black and Hispanic Vote since they are her's by definition.

But the one thing Trump does have going for him Big Time is Islamic Terrorism.  Hardly a day goes by without news of another slaughter at the hands of ISIS somewhere in the World. Each time such occurs, the number of potential votes for The Donald increases.

And you can bank on this continuing to happen regularly right up to and beyond November's Election.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'