Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Euthanasia...One Good Thing !!

As Charles Dickens so aptly pointed out in his classic - A Christmas Carol - it will certainly cut down on the world's surplus population.


Have you ever tried to get a loved one into a nursing home of late - many have waiting lists of 5 years and more.

I shared with you the experience we had getting our elderly aunt admitted - but for the purposes of this Blog I think it is worth repeating.

In her nineties and suffering from dementia we were told that it would take at least a year and more likely 2 years before a bed became available.

At little over a year later we received word that she was "second on the list for admission".  We cancelled our holiday plans since we were told that when an opening came up - the family had to move immediately or else their relative would be dropped to the bottom of the list.

We were told it could be a few days or even a couple of months ...but no longer.

After 3 more months I called our contact with the Province to be told that our Aunt had dropped to 7th on the list even though there had been no improvement in her condition - in fact it had gotten worse.  She was now having heart issues.

I relayed this to the Provincial Rep only to be told by her that this would make no difference whatsoever.

Eventually, we got the call to bring her in and since then - my Aunt has had the best care she has ever received as a dementia patient.

She still recognizes us and enjoys our visits.

As I was leaving after one of my visits recently I looked around at the many residents who like my aunt are receiving first rate care by first rate staff.  I got to thinking though what would it be like in say 10 - 20 years of the new Euthanasia Law....

These places will be empty.

I know, I can hear some of you saying there goes Galagher exaggerating again.

Maybe ... Maybe Not.

The law that was just past received most opposition since 'it did not kill fast enough'.  That is to say, it was limited in scope to only those in the terminal stage of death.

Court Challenges have already been launched and you can bet your bottom dollar that the Supreme Court will strike the law down for its limited scope in killing.

At that point we will have no law against Euthanasia - open season in other words just as now prevails in the case of Abortion.  

Anytime - anywhere.

When I speak with many proponents of Euthanasia, they talk about the right of the individual to have some kill them because they suffer from unbearable pain.

I come back with Hospice / Palliative Care which promises to eliminate pain while bringing joy to the patient's last days on earth - whether it is measured in months or even days.  Reports from patients and families that have experienced this care are most positive with many family members joining Hospice Teams to volunteer their services when their loved one has passed.

It is Win Win - but a recent article I read in the National Post reports that a major Hospital in Montreal, which has a Hospice Wing, has been told by the Province's Minister of Health that their Hospice must adhere to the Euthanasia Law - in other words - must kill off their patients rather than promote their end of care mission.  

The Minister, in his directive to the Hospice had the following to say:
  • "For me, it is squarely against the law and borderline provocation"  
One bright light in the Euthanasia Debate - has begun to flicker...

There has been great wringing of hands about all of the Baby Boomers coming of old age.  Not to worry though, there will be many less of us around than you might otherwise have thought.

And Dear Reader - no need to worry about long waiting lists to get into care.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'