Monday, June 13, 2016



Those are the facts, unless you are the little guy in the White House ..and when I say 'little guy' I am not talking about his stature - since that does not matter one iota ... rather I am speaking about his small, petty, mindedness.

It took the little guy most of his Presidency to even admit that 'terrorists' existed but he has never ever said who these terrorists might be. Again, it could be raging grannies if of course the grannies were killers which they are not.

As you and I know full well ...The Killers are Islamists !!

And how do we know this particular attack?

The killer himself called 911 and said that he was slaughtering these innocents in the name of Islam.

His dear dad said it was not Islamic related but bear in mind that he is a member in good standing with the Taliban and in fact is hoping to become Afghanistan's next President.

And for the record, the Taliban has publicly announced that it is an off-shoot of ISIS.

Even Dear Hillary, in the aftermath of Orlando, now admits that Islamic Terrorists exist.  

Finally, someone of rank in the US Administration has called out the Killers by name.

But failings are not confined just to Obama.

Trump comes out swinging demanding Obama's resignation for failing to deal harshly with the Islamic Devils.  His timing though stinks.  He should be joining with his fellow Americans in mourning the loss of so many - over 100 casualties, nearly half of whom died.   

There is a time for mourning and a time for action and right now leaders should mourn this tremendous loss of life - the worst in American history caused by a gunman. 

Trump's response is too much .. self-interest.

The other group I find trying to wring too much self-interest out of this event is the Gay Community itself which whines that here again they are victims of American Homophobia.

Quite the contrary.  The vast majority of Americans, as with you readers, are aghast and horrified at what happened.  If anything this incident proves that the Gay Communities has become fully integrated and accepted into American Society. 

It is nonetheless a very sad occasion but the overall gay community should be most impressed and most grateful for the outpouring of sympathy from American Society in general.

And there is one final person with whom I have a bone to pick.. Orlando's Chief of Police.

Here he is yesterday hogging the mike to announce that were it not for his force, the number of casualties would have been much higher.

B.S. to that - as indicated, casualties exceeded 100, the gunman was allowed to fire on the innocent for hours - reloading and continuing to fire numerous times.   

One gunman and against an army of Orlando Cops and this is the best they could do?  I dare say Orlando needs a new Chief.

A Tragedy occurred in Orlando and a lot of needless politically correct hot aired followed.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'