Tuesday, June 28, 2016


It never fails to amaze me just how stupid (dumb) our elitist planners - including both Politicians and their Politically Correct Bureaucrats.

I give you the following three (3) examples from our municipal and provincial governments.

First - the simply dumb one:

  • motorists must now keep from coming within 1 meter (39.370 inches) of a bicyclist.  If we - the car drivers, come within this arbitrary barrier - we are not only fined but lose points against our driver's licences. As if the harried motorist does not already have enough to watch out for.  But the Politically Correct do not like cars - they want everyone to walk or bike and to Hell with Cars.  Driving, is no longer fun.  
Second - the Dumber:

  • in recent years 'round abouts' have cropped up all over our roads - not a bad yet as England ...but we are getting there.  Anyway, I do not much care for round-abouts but must admit they do seem to work in attaining their goal of keeping cars moving - without the need for traffic lights or stop signs.  Until recently, the rule was that cars had the right of way over pedestrians - as it should be, if the underlying concept of continuous motion was to be maintained.  But now dear reader this has suddenly changed - now cars within a round-about must stop for pedestrians and they even have a new politically correct name for it - 'pedestrian crossovers'.  This PC advancement not only defeats the purpose of Round-Abouts but insures that more and more pedestrians will not make it safely to the other side.  Again, where do these Bozo Planners come from.
And Third - the Dumbest:

  • Safe Injection Sites for Addicts.  We here in Ottawa are now on the list to get several of these cesspools - thanks again to the enlightened.  Number one - they do not cure addiction - in fact rehab is not even part of the program. They do attract all and sundry addicts who to fund their addiction - rob, steal, prostitute to raise the ridiculous amounts of money to fund their drug purchases.  Areas of the City which are identified to host these parasites, are headed for slum, crime ridden neighbourhoods.  If these enlightened planners are indeed so enlightened as to propose the establishment of these sites - I propose they be built in their neighbourhoods. Plus, another choice location would be within City Hall itself.  Don't hold you breath on seeing either occur though.
Given just these 3 examples, it is no wonder to me why Donald Trump has such a following.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'