Sunday, June 26, 2016


The Why in Why the British Voted To leave the European Union (EU) is, I believe, two-fold:

First, the mechanical reason - Prime Minister David Cameron was unwise to have called for a Referendum on the subject.

Second, and more substantively, European Nations, including Great Britain - are terrified by the tidal wave of refugees pouring in from the Middle East and Africa.  The overwhelming numbers will change the EU's and indeed the West's makeup forever.

The argument that it was caused by the EU's renaming fruits and vegetables to me is irrelevant.

But the 'Who' in all of this is the more relevant question which I will come to shortly.

Before I get to that,  I would like to set out my own thoughts on Britain's decision to leave.

In a word ... I am 'disappointed'.

On an Emotional Level though - I must admit that it is nice to see it Given to the Man, but on an Intellectual Level - I see the downside:

a) Russia and China are once again threatening and from my perspective this will only get worse;

b) The US hegemony is in irreversible decline; and,

c) The world is on the cusp of renewed nuclear proliferation beginning with Iran - followed by the Saudis and spilling over to a host of others as the realization of a) and b) continues to sink in.

Counterweights, like the European Union are desperately needed.

That is why I am disappointed with the Referendum's outcome.

Now for the 'Who'.

As in Who Is Responsible For This Outcome.

The United States of course and more specifically - its last two Presidents - George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama.

Of the two, Bush* must take the greater share of the blame since it was his decision and his decision alone to destroy Iraq and take out Saddam Hussein and leave the Middle East with a vacuum that was in due course filled by zealots, and ne're goodwells.

 Obama's contribution to this fiasco was that he sat back and watched this happen as if a disinterested observer.

  • When I think back to Bush's invasion of Iraq, on the pretext that there were Weapons of Mass Destruction involved , I also think back to the JF Kennedy days and his distrust (for good reason) of what US Military Leaders were telling him during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  His skepticism likely saved the world from Nuclear War.  Too bad George W was not made from similar cloth. 
It is well to remember Newton's 3rd Law - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The damage done by these two Presidents is incalculable viewed in the light of today.  The most notable of which is the Mass Migration taking place across Europe and now spilling into North America.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'