This past weekend, my wife and I along with friends attended a lecture organized by Doctors against Euthanasia.
In particular, these Doctors are concerned that their moral right not to assist patients wishing to commit suicide will be disavowed by our ever-more secular governments.
In other words, they will be forced to commit murder or lose their registrations.
In the past, these Doctors have taken comfort and sustenance from their Hippocratic Oath which Medical Schools have incorporated into their graduation ceremonies for well over 500 years:
I will apply therapeutic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability
and judgment, and will abstain from harm and wrongdoing. I will not give a lethal
drug to anyone requesting it, nor will I recommend the use of such.
The Oath, like the Doctors themselves are now under attack.
The Night's guest speaker was the World Renowned
Philosopher - Dr. Peter Kreeft from Boston University.
Before I get to Dr. Kreeft and his message I would like to
Stake out what I see as the bottom-line in-regard to
Euthanasia for those of us who Believe in a Higher Power,
that is to say - God.
Simply stated, we believe that the Creator created us - that
life is therefore sacred and only God should be the decider
as to when our time here on earth is ended.
Doctor Kreeft, while adhering to the sacredness of life, adds
another dimension; 'suffering' as an important part of life in
general and in death specifically.
Indeed, he points out that Suffering permeates all
dimensions of our lives - emotional, mental and physical;
without suffering we would lose our ability to earn a place
in Heaven.
For those of us who are Christian there is no better example
of this than Christ's death upon the Cross. Had he not
suffered for the redemption of our sins, his Crucifixion
would be meaningless, there had to be Sacrifice.
Better to have just come down off the Cross and smite his
In light of this Suicide or assisted suicide are really very
selfish acts. It not only devalues your own life but denies your
family and friends of the chance to rise above their own daily
preoccupations and to sacrifice themselves by doing
good for others.
It also makes killers out of Doctors.
Believers do not condemn those who may take these paths;
we do though condemn the act.
Plus there are excellent alternatives such as Hospice and
Palliative Care. There is no excuse given the advances in
Medical Care that anyone need experience unendurable
pain or other suffering.
As We Believers See It...
'K.D. Galagher'
Pt 2 The Non-Believers next.