Sunday, February 28, 2016

Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton... Who is the Bigger Liar?

The World's Biggest Liar competition is held annually iCumbriaEngland.

I have little doubt that if both Hillary and the Donald entered this year's competition the result would end in a draw.

But that's not all; they are both egotistical and narcissistic though I might be inclined to give Trump and slight edge over Ms. Clinton.

So why the interest?

It is beginning to look like this year's Presidential Race is going to come down to these two flawed individuals.  When I initially wrote about the two I always said that I would never vote for Hillary but if it came down to just the two of them - I would vote for Trump.

Mea Culpa.

I have since come to my senses realizing that even if I could, neither would get my vote.

Let's deal with Hillary first.  She has now bested her only Democratic opponent - Bernie Sanders.  Left-wing Bernie's challenge ended with his poor showing in Nevada and the deal with sealed with his even worse performance in South Carolina.

The Bernster is toast.

Unless dear Hillary heads off for the Big House .... before attaining the White House, she will be crowned the Democratic Nominee for President.

Boy does a run by VP Joe Biden start to look good.

It is not just her lying that turns the voter off; it is also that with Hillary, it is so evident it is all about her to the exclusion of everyone else.

Her administration would be 'more steady as she goes' than Trump's but for the US that means 4 more years of Obama like Government.

Now the Donald.

Simply stated, the guy is a bully of the first order. As they say, he has constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth.  He has single-handedly disqualified himself from being elected to the highest office but the trouble is, his supporters sadly have not come to that obvious conclusion.

And it is not all the fault of his supporters.  They have been ignored and taken for granted by both the major parties for so long they are in no mood for rational thought - hence his continued popularity.

And similar to the fading Bernie, Trump's major rivals Cruz and Rubio are in big trouble. Nothing seems to adversely affect Trump's poll numbers and if those numbers hold for the upcoming Super Tuesday - as they likely will, they too will join Sanders on the trash bin of history.

The only real difference between Trump and Clinton is the fact that the Republican Establishment is frighten to death that he will get the nod to be their Presidential Candidate whereas the Democratic Boys are delighted to have Hillary win and not the Socialist.

The bottom-line here is that it is looking more and more like Clinton - Trump face-off come November and whichever one wins - the American Public loses ...Big Time.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galager'