Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Debates…Pt 2


So Galagher – what was missing from the Canadian Debate that was present in the American one?

In a word… ‘PASSION’

All 10 American Debaters conveyed it in spades  – their eyes flashed and their words pierced.

And that is why I am committed to watching more of them.

But when it comes to running a country, there is something needed even more than ‘Passion’ and that is ‘Vision’. It is too early to judge the Yankee contenders on this important aspect because their process is just beginning, but that does not apply here in Canada. Our three main leaders have been in place long enough to have established their credentials in that regard and sadly, from my perspective they have failed to do so.

The only Republican candidate that so far has shown any ‘vision’ is the indomitable ‘Donald’.  He wants to restore America to its past greatness and while in most cases this would be seen as toothless rhetoric – the fact remains that after 8 years of the little guy in the White House the US of A has sunk so far down in the world’s esteem that its enemies no longer fear it and its allies no longer trust it.

You will recall that Ronald Reagan made a similar promise in replacing the anaemic ‘Jimmy’ the peanut farmer Carter.

I still do not support the Trumper… unless it comes down to him and Hilary but he has fundamentally changed the dynamics of the US campaign.  Instead of platitudes – candidates are talking issues, instead of obfuscation candidates are speaking more plainly and more candidly.

Since the debate, Trump’s approval numbers have risen even more and while I do not foresee this continuing, I do appreciate the positive effect a – passionate / visionary can bring to invigorate the process.

Too bad we here in Canada do not have a Donald Trump to ignite the same sort of enthusiasm.

Rather, we have Young Trudeau speak about the need for inclusion while at the same time he closes the door on candidates who favour pro life.

And Mulcair, who in the debate talks about the Eastern Pipeline as a ‘win win’ and then a day later at his book signing says it will never happen under the NDP. Cynical or what?

While sour, dour Harper campaigns on the hustings but won’t let the great unwashed attend his events – they are open to card carrying Tories only.  Unbelievable.

And whatever they offer up is presented without the tiniest bit of passion.

I remember as a teenager attending an election ‘train stop’ of the late Rt. Hon John Diefenbaker in Campbellford Ontario in an election herre he promoted the vision about opening up the north – but his speech that day was about a prison escape in Quebec, by an underworld character named Rivard.  He escaped while allowed out of his cell to flood the prison rink in above freezing temperatures.  The passion with which olde Dief delivered his speech was spell-binding and one day I hope do a blog on that most memorable event.

But I digress.

So permit me to give you some possible scenarios for our three bland leaders to use to where they could show some vision.  (As for passion, that cannot be manufactured)

In the case of Young Trudeau, lets use his pledge to help the middle class:

If elected, my Party and I will focus our policies on helping the hardworking middle class.  We will do this since a strong, healthy, vibrant middle class is essential for society to properly function.

Once elected then, you can expect from our Government, provisions for ample and affordable day care; substantial income tax deductions for the middle wage earners, free university tuition to ensure that all their children who are academically able to do so, receive the education they and our society needs… etc.etc.’

You or I may agree /disagree with such an approach but at least it is visionary and you know going in where Trudeau and the Libs stand.  Many would I believe readily go for this.

And then Mulcair with his occupation with all things Green. Here is what he could say:

‘We at the New Democratic Party will invest in green energy and in so doing will eliminate all fossil fuels’.

Global warming is all around us and if we do not act quickly our planet will be destroyed… we cannot afford to be complacent’.

Again visional.  The voter knows exactly where the Dippers stand and why.

And now Harper:

‘We are at war with Islamic Terrorists and if elected, we Conservatives will greatly ramp up our efforts, on a War Footing, to defeat these Barbarians – at home and abroad.  

We will work with NATO to provide whatever and all assistance we can including bringing our Military Budget to 2% of GDP in line with NATO’s guidelines.

We will also make it a crime for residents of Canada to express, in any fashion, sympathy for Islamic Terrorists.  Call it a restriction of their freedoms if you will but Islamic animals are chopping of heads, burning and burying victims alive including young children and babies.

To assist our economy in winning this war on terror, oil and gas pipelines will be constructed on an urgent and priority basis with environmental requirements placed on hold, until the war is won”.

That dear reader is vision and is leadership from the front not from the rear as we have consistently experienced over the years.

It tells the voter exactly what the priority(s) of each of our main parties is and scraps the usual mishmash that tries to appeal to everyone and gains little or nothing.

Sadly, these visions cannot be said with passion – I fear the current lot is just not capable of that.

But that said, nor are they likely to all of a sudden be endued with vision.

But one can hope.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’