Thursday, July 2, 2015



I Blogged the other day about how glad I was to see Donald Trump aka the Donald,  entering into the race for President of the United States since he could be counted on to call things as he sees them.

That said, if I was American I do not see myself voting for Mr. Trump unless it came down to between he and Hillary Clinton.

But the issue I was writing about – i.e.  that politicians on the whole do not tell us what they really stand for, was soon born out shortly after his presidential announcement:

Trump was asked about the situation on the southern border between the US and Mexico and he made it very clear that he was worried about ‘criminals, drug dealers and rapists’ entering the States virtually at will.

It did not take the Left long to vilify Trump and, led by the one of their Network spokes organs – NBC – Trump’s Apprentice Show was cancelled followed by Univision’s cutting its ties with his Miss Universe contest.

They called his comments “racist”.

Trump when asked if he was sorry for having made his comments quoted government documents which confirmed that 80% of women crossing the southern border had been raped during their journey while some 350,000 illegal refugees were serving time in jails for various criminal offences.

Bottom-line, the Southern Border is porous and American authorities have lost control over countless thousands of illegals entering into the country each year.

So the Donald was not cowed by the racist designation but you can see why other less brave (or perhaps more politically correct) refrain from saying anything they know might offend the sensitivities of the Progressive Left.

To call someone racist is perhaps the worse thing one can be called. How do you respond?

“No I am not racist” does not cut it – the damage has been done and the discussion has been effectively shut down before it even begins.

There are other such words that have almost the same negative effect – including Misogynist and Homophobic.

Dear Hillary falls back on the former while our esteemed Premier – Kathleen Wynne, the latter.

How do you fight it?

Sadly, if you are not a Donald Trump you don’t.

The result though is that discussions on issues that need airing are shut down – and freedom of speech sidelined.

The only way to correct this imbalance is for more of us to continue hammer away even in the face of such derogatory and demeaning labels from the Left. 

So go get’im Donald you are needed more now than ever and know – if it does come down to you and Hillary, and though you may not be able to count on my ballot – I most certainly will be in your corner.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’