Good or Bad ??
You Decide.
Allow me to help you by setting out what I see as the agreement’s pros and cons.
- The big pro is that to stop Iran in it tracks from building the Bomb – it would have taken war between the USA and Iran. It would not have been pretty, but it would have been doable.
- ISIS is the biggest threat in the Middle East today and is extreme Sunni. Iran on the other-hand is Shiite and a bitter enemy of ISIS and as Churchill is famous for saying “your enemy’s enemy is our friend”.
- Many say it delays the inevitable – that is to say, that eventually Iran is going to get the Atomic Bomb regardless what the US or anyone else does – so anything that delays the inevitable is not all bad.
- Russia and China are part of the Agreement so it will be a little difficult for them to reject it after the fact.
- Iran is one, if not the greatest sponsor of terrorism in the world. Seeing it obtain the Bomb is most ill-advised.
- Iran is also one of the world’s greatest denier of human rights.
- The country is ruled by a bunch of religious fanatics who, to put it mildly, cannot be trusted.
- Iran is on record of stating that it will annihilate Israel and the only way that can be done is, if and when, it gets the Bomb.
- When Iran does the get the Bomb – the agreement more or less says it can have one after 10 years – then other countries, most especially ‘Sunni’ Saudi Arabia will want it too and an arms race will be the result… increasing the likelihood of Armageddon.
Okay – I believe these are the most relevant points – so over to you – what do you think. Let me know. I know the answer is not black or white so I look forward to receiving your thoughts.
One thing though is certain – although Obama boasts that this agreement will help bring peace to the Middle East, one thing is certain – countries like Saudi Arabia will not wait 10 years to arm themselves with Atomic Weapons – if they have not already begun to take the steps necessary to get it – they soon will, since they fear Iran nearly as much as does Israel.
And as a result, the Middle East powder keg will become even more explosive.
And wasn’t it the Bible that predicted the end of the world would begin in the Middle East?
As I see it…
‘K.D. Galagher’