Wednesday, July 15, 2015




The other day when Greece voted ‘No’ in their Referendum on whether or not to accept more conditions on their EU Bailout, I said the European Bankers were not apt to knuckle under to Greek Blackmail.

And they didn’t.

More surprisingly though the Greek Prime Minister did a complete 180 degree turn.

In so doing he out-did the most disingenuous of politicians:

  • he campaigned in the recent Greek Election on standing up to the EU and promising to never again submit to their demands for austerity;
  • then he called a referendum – ‘for democracy sake’ where he once again campaigned for the no side…and once again, won.

But with his capitulation before the EU Assembly all that meant nothing; So much for conviction, integrity, conscience and so on. 

He is left with zero credibility and now has the unenviable job of trying to sell his sell-out to the Greek Parliament, which has until midnight tonight to accept the tainted deal.

In a country where the truth is spoken lightly, the Prime Minister’s personal conduct in this area is entirely missing.

I think the chances of its Parliament approving of the recent bailout is remote but even if by some miracle it slips through, the chances of Greece surviving the package’s implementation are most unlikely indeed.

Greece has strayed so far from the norm in managing its own affairs – as countless recent news stories can attest, any chance of its citizens coming on board - even to give the deal lukewarm support is remote.

The only hope for Greece to get back in balance – that is to say, to start living within their own means and not relying upon the largess of others, is to bite the bullet – go it alone and resume using their own currency.

To me it is just a matter of when.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’