Thursday, July 30, 2015

Political Attack Ads…


Whether or not they work, I do not like them and believe that only parties that are bankrupt of ideas, stoop to us them.

Yes, I am speaking of the Conservative Party of Canada under the leadership of Stephen Harper.

The trouble I have is that this same team is the best of the lot – despite their use of negativity.

Tom Mulcair and the Dippers want to return door to door mail-delivery when then is very little mail to deliver in the age of electronic communications.

He is opposed to Free Trade Deals despite the fact that it lifts the economies of all parties who sign such agreements.

He is opposed to using our military oversees to fight such bad guys as ISIS – you know, the ones that cut people’s heads off and bury little children.  Imagine how the military will fair with Commander Mulcair at the head.

He is opposed to Pipelines despite the fact that much of our economy is based on our oil and gas industry and despite the fact that Provinces, like his own home province of Quebec, depend to a great extent on transfer payments which originate from oil and gas sales.

As much as Harper’s child care funding has been criticized it is interesting to note both the Dippers and the Liberals will keep it in place place.  Indeed the Liberals will double it and the NDP will add to it $15 dollar per day day care using the Quebec model which been a financial nightmare for them as well as an abject failure.

As for Trudeau of the Grits, lets just say he puts his foot in his mouth nearly every time he speaks off the cuff.

On the cusp of an Election Call expected this weekend – we find Canada nominated by the international Reputation Institute as the most envied country in the world.

And for most of Harper’s tenure, Canada led the G-7 in economic performance.

Our debt to GDP is at its lowest level in years and credit agencies are unanimous in stating that we are in a very favoured position compared to most other nations.

This year has also seen the Federal Budget balanced in more than 10 years.  Which too is a great accomplishment despite Young Trudeau’s declaration that ‘budgets balance themselves’.

There are things I do not like about Harper’s approach - over and above his reliance on mean-spirited ads.  In fact, I did a Blog not too long ago which highlighted a number of things that I would do if I were in his place.

But for me, it comes down to supporting the best of the bunch even if it means holding one’s nose to do it. 

I do not know which party will win come October 19th, nor do I know whether it will be a majority.  or a minority victory. Anyone predicting this early in the piece one way or the other is simply fooling themselves.

I do know, if Harper is unsuccessful, Canada will pay a dear price for his failure.

Whether you like the guy or not, he is far and away the best of the lot.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’