Monday, July 13, 2015

Let The Trumpets Sound…


The Donald is in First Place.

In a field of nearly 20 seeking the Republican Nomination for President of the United States, recently announced Donald Trump leads the pack with 15% support.


But you will recall that I predicted good things for the Trumper – simply because the guy can be expected to say what is on his mind, which in some cases are common sensible. 

Take his stand on Illegal Immigration – due to him alone it is now the main topic of discussion amongst the Media and the Pols alike. 

For decades America has had a porous border with Mexico. 

Even the highly revered Ronald Reagan did not have the courage to address the problem.

The Donald has stated that he will make closing the border his number one priority should he get elected and the folks are cheering him on wildly.

Every day seems to see another horror story concerning innocents being killed by illegals – one poor woman was murdered by an illegal Mexican Immigrant who had been deported on five separate occasions.

And you can bet your last dollar that none of this would have come to the fore had it not been for Trump’s candidacy. 

Do I think he will take his Party’s nomination – no I don’t but he most certainly has had an effect on the conversation – an effect that I view as positive since in the case of the illegals – it is an issue that desperately needs airing.  I view a nation that cannot manage its own borders to be a failed one.

But as I have said in an earlier Blog – if Trump does finesse it and it comes down to between him and dear Hillary – I will be rooting for the Trumper.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’