Tuesday, July 28, 2015

IT’s Right Down The Centre …


The Umpire Calls Strike Three and,

Patrick Brown, recently elected Leader of the Progressive Party of Ontario, meekly walks back to the Tory Dugout.

What did Patty do now?

He was quoted over the weekend saying that during his leadership he would not open either the issue of abortion or gay marriage.

This from the guy who promised once and for all to do politics differently.

And this from the guy who attended the recent Gay non-Pride Parade.

So much for doing politics differently.

Lets take a look at the issue of abortion first:

The left will tell you that this matter has been decided by the Supreme Court of Canada.

It has not.

The Court, in 1988, kicked the olde law back to Parliament with instructions that it be clarified. (Even this left wing establishment recognized the need for legislation in this important humanitarian area).

Parliament though refused to act and continues to do so and thus Canada, along with such notables as China and North Korea, have open season on the unborn right up and including the time of birth.

Talk about inhumane.

Now in regard to same sex marriage, once again the Supremes worked their will and decided that same sex marriage was a right protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  To hell with history dating back hundreds and hundreds of years.

Decisions such as this, should be a societal decision either by way of referendum or via their elected representatives.

With a minority government – Harper and company made a half hearted attempt at legislation to make it clear that Marriage was a union between a man and a woman.  They naturally lost the vote and … quickly moved on and did not raise the issue again despite the fact that for the last 4 years they have enjoyed majority status.

So today we find ourselves with two very important issues dramatically affecting society that neither it nor its representatives have had any say in.


And along comes Paddy who promises to deal differently with politics.

And how does he begin  - he attends the Toronto Gay Pride Parade where a bunch of show boats prance around half naked … in their underwear.

And then he turns his back on two of the most important issues facing society which society has had no say in.

He would rather dedicate his time to more important issues such as imposing stiff restrictions on harmless e-cigarettes.

What a guy.

What is most sad in all of this is that Brown may very well prove to be an successful politician but he will never be able to say his success came from doing politics differently.

He is just like all the rest.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’