Wednesday, June 10, 2015

They’re Shocked !!!


Many Canadians That Is regarding the misuse of spending by our august Senators.

Well readers of this Blog will know that I am not the least bit Shocked … nor is anyone with a passing understanding of what the Senate is all about.

So in a backhanded way, I am using this Blog to come to defence of our Senators. Sort of.

But that said, the Senate has been a waste of taxpayers money ever since its foundation nearly 150 years ago.

It is composed of beings who are unelected, unaccountable and without power.

So all these dear souls get from their appointment is a sense of prestige.  And, of course, perks such as freedom to spend as they and they alone decide.

For the past century and a half, to be a Senator has meant that they represent Canada wherever they find themselves – even when in the bathroom.

One could then say, with some conviction, they are always doing Canada’s business.

And any costs attached to that – are of course paid willingly by the grateful taxpayers.

I am not being facetious here – that is precisely how the system has worked.

So to criticize Senators for doing what was expected of them now is a bit rich.

That is not to say I respect what they have done – I most certainly do not and that is why I have continually spoken for the Senate’s abolition.

I just find it ironic that Senators are being vilified for acting like … well Senators.

So where do we go from here.

We now have the guidance of Canada’s true government – the Supreme Court of Canada and its 9 absolute Rulers – and they have declared that change or abolition to the Senate requires a Federal / Provincial Constitutional Amendment.

The Court has seldom been correct of late – but in this case, sadly, they got it right.

So we need a Constitutional Amendment.

That said, many argue that what is needed is a reformed Senate in order to protect the interests of the Provinces.  But students of politics and history know full well that we live in a Confederation meaning power is divided between the the Provinces and the Federal Government.  Federal Powers are set-out in section 91 of the BNA Act and in section 92 for the Provinces.

This division gives the provinces all the protection they need.

But my preferred option is to see the Senate entirely eliminated and one can expect that some provinces – most notably PEI and Quebec to balk at this given that their current representation in the Senate far exceeds their per capita entitlement.

So to soften them up – so to speak – I fully agree with the suggestion being floated that the Feds need to hold a National Referendum; with one question – do you favour abolition of the Senate.  Yes or No.

I suspect that with all of the negative press generated from the Auditor General’s Report – the majority of Canadians will voted for abolition and this majority will extend right across Canada.

If by chance there are still delinquent provinces after such a referendum – I would sit down with them because in all likelihood they will be have not provinces.

I say behind closed doors – ‘If you want to keep your transfer payments – then vote for abolition”.  Full stop.

Presto – the Senate will be delegated to the dust bin of Canadian history.

One last thing.

Is it not most ironic that the man and Party that came out first and strongly against the current Senate – Harper and the Tories are now wearing much of its disgrace, whereas the late coming Dippers and Mulcair are now charging in like White Knights promising to get rid of the institution come hell or high water.

Harper did not have to relinquish this issue to Mulcair.  The fact that he did might haunt him for a long time to come – come Election Day in October.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’