Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Few More Quickies…


First Off – Former Member of Parliament – Del Maestro:

Here is a guy who was caught over donating to his Election Campaign by $20,000 some thousand dollars …. of his own money no less.

He loses his MP-ship / cannot run for office for 5 years; his reputation is gone; is fined and the Judge still thinks that a jail sentence is needed.  How absurd.

And then to add insult to injury his picture appears in all the nation’s daily newspapers in hand-cuffs and leg irons as he is walked out of court to the awaiting paddy wagon.

All the while the real cheats and scoundrels in Ontario’s Liberal Government go untouched.

Second – The Memorial to the Victims of Communism:

The Conservative Government of Canada has announced that it will built this massive memorial on the grounds of our Supreme Court despite the face that nearly 80% of Canadians – Conservatives, Liberals and New Democrats alike – are opposed to it.

Even if there was 80% support for it and even if the structure was not so ugly – the question remains as to why build it here in Canada in the first place.  We never had a Communist Government! 

Better to build in Poland or Hungary – or similar countries that truly suffered under such administrations.

Is the reason for such folly an attempt to garner votes from refugees who settled here from the Iron Curtain countries?

Are you pandering Mr. Harper?

Third – Strike Two Mr. Brown:

In a recent Blog I gave Strike One to recently elected Patrick Brown as Leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives.

Well now the dear man has a Second Strike with his announcement that he will march in Toronto’s upcoming Gay Pride Parade which are merely outrageous demonstrations.

Brown was to be the new true spokesman for the Right but he has once again fallen into the trap of trying to be all things to everyone and will end up nothing to anyone.

Gays ‘yes’ ….Gay Pride Parades ‘no’

Fourth – A Second Team for Quebec

And speaking of pandering – this week saw Prime Minister Harper in Quebec City supporting another NHL Team for the Province of Quebec.

Quebec had a second team based in Quebec City but it folded for want of support.

Anyway we are now leading up to the Federal Election and Harper was quoted as saying ‘if Ontario can have two NHL teams then Quebec should have two as well’.

A couple of problems with your analogy Sir – first Ontario has over twice the population of Quebec and second – Quebec receives many times the largess from the Federal Government as does Ontario.

More federal cash for Les Habitants seems not to be warranted.

And Fifth – Young Trudeau and ISIS

The Young Lad was interviewed this week about the situation in the Middle East and ISIS.

He said that upon being elected Prime Minister he would call back Canada’s six (6) CF 18 Fighter Jets and replace them with on the training personnel.

After-all it would not be right to hurt these doers of evil – the ones that behead – burn – drown – bury innocent children, women and men.

He also stated that he would re-establish diplomatic relations with Iran. 

What a guy. No wonder his polls are declining.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’