Monday, June 1, 2015

A Fast Ball Right Down The Middle…


Strike One the Umpire Calls.

The Batter?

None other than the recently elected Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario.

The issue?

The Grits’ Bill before the Legislature to treat e-cigarettes the same as the dreaded cigarette.

E-Cigarettes have no proven health issues and are considered the best way to assist smokers to kick the habit.

So why are the Grits so bound and bent to regulate them to death?

A couple of reasons come to mind:

First – it is the big brother in them – they just love to tell ordinary folks like you and me how to live.

Second – it changes the channel on the real issues of concern to Ontarians like their Hydro One debacle.

Okay – so there are some reasons why the Grits are willing to waste everyone’s time on such frivolity but what is Leader Brown’s excuse for going along with them?

The whole Party voted with the Grits and the Dippers on this nonsense save for the common sense Tory MP from Perth – Randy Hillier.

So the very first pitch – is a strike.

All batters are entitled to three – even new batters – so dear Leader Brown, you have another two strikes at your disposal.

Let’s see how you deal with them.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’