Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Maybe It Is A Good Thing…


That Newspaper readership is on the decline.

Permit me to explain:

I begin each day by reading the three most prominent newspapers available here in Ottawa … well at least two of the three-

  • The National Post
  • The Ottawa Sun, and,
  • The Ottawa Citizen.

Although my wife and I subscribe to all three I seldom ever include the Citizen in my morning reading … It is Toronto Star light and hence, most left wing.

It never has anything good to say about conservatives.

So why do I subscribe to it you ask?  Good question – one that I really do not have a good answer for other than to keep and eye – albeit a half shut one – one what the opposition is saying.

But why I am writing this Blog today has to do with the Ottawa Sun … what I considered to be the last bastion against left wing lunacy.

This weekend’s main editorial was critical with the Tories for not doing enough to combat Climate Change – recently called Global Cooling and even more recently Global Warming.

The Sun and I agree that the climate is changing – indeed it has been doing so since the beginning of time. Just ask the dinosaurs.

Where I diverge from the Sun is when it blames man for the change.

What is really at issue here is the leftist elites of the West want to use the ruse of Climate Change to distribute money to the rest even though such largess will only end up in the hands of thugs and dictators and will do spit to reduce CO2 emissions.

But I am not writing today about the fraud of climate change – rather I am writing about how our newspapers slowly but surely all seem to be going over to the left side of the political spectrum.

The change in the Sun began when its parent company Quebecor sold out to Postmedia late last year.  Slowly but surely it has jettisoned its heretofore common sense and defensible positions in favour of lunacy.

The National Post though was the jewel from its very origin and the brainchild of Lord Conrad Black.  Launched by Black in 1998 it was a counter to the Liberal Rag also known as the Toronto Star.

Black ended up losing the Post and it became the property of the Aspers and more recently – 2010 fell into the Postmedia family along with the Sun.

Again slowly but surely stalwart right thinking journalists have been replaced by mushy left wing thinkers.

We end up today facing a future of newspapers devoid of conservative thought.

This, at a time when Sun.V. News was forced off the air for want of financing leaving Canada with two major networks – CBC and CTV – both with left leaning mandates.

So why is this so important?

Because – from my perspective, the Right may not always have it right but it is more often right then not.

The left stands for Big Government – Big Budgets and Creates Dependency.

So with fewer and fewer readers – less and less will be exposed to their mind numbing ideology.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’