Tuesday, May 5, 2015

It Has Come To This…


This coming Thursday is the second of two days set aside to decide who will lead the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario into the next and far off Election.

There are but two (2) candidates and although both are likely decent folk, in their own right, neither is qualified to lead the Province’s Tories.

I heard them both on radio today and the woman – Christine Elliott sounded much the same to me as our current Premier – Liberal Kathleen Wynne.

The second candidate – Patrick Brown sounded as if he were being interviewed for a low level position in a high-school government.

I have a vote which I have yet to cast but have sadly come to the conclusion that neither is worth the effort.

This at a time when the Governing Liberals have run amuck and are in desperate need of some well deserved comeuppance.

Ontario has lost its way as has its major parties.  None on the scene seem to be able to do / say anything to get us back on track.

A New Party?

I think not. 

We have become a society of ‘me firsters’ – we have fallen in love with Big Government which wastes our money, over-taxes and over-spends leaving it to future generations to pick up the tab.

I did tell you, did I not, how worried Kathleen Wynne is about the future and her grand-daughter? 

She of course is worried about the effects of Global Warming but too bad it is not in regard to something important such as as our withering economy.

Wynne need not worry – she can take comfort in the fact that neither Tory Candidate is likely to cause her much - if any - grief.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’