Tuesday, May 19, 2015

An Open Letter To Ontario’s Minister of Health.


                                                                     May 19, 2015

The Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins                     

Minister of Health

Queen’s Park

Toronto, Ontario

Dear Minister Hoskins;

In case you missed it, an article appeared in this weekend’s Sun concerning the plight of 21 year old Paige Spencer of Toronto.

Ms. Spencer has suffered most of her young life from Lyme Disease went undiagnosed for many years resulting in her now suffering in late stage of this illness which, as you know, means it is no longer curable.

She takes “70 pills and up to six needles a day”.

The disease is apparently a most painful one – and can in extreme circumstances lead to paralysis.

The issue I am writing to you about today is not about the inability of our medical system to expeditiously identify her illness (although it is inexplicable), rather it is about your Government’s callousness in not supplying Paige with her needed medications under OHIP.

The report in the Sun indicates that she and her family must travel weekly to get the necessary medications there at a cost of “about $5,000 a month”.

The Spencer family has gone into debt to pay these medical expenses – re-mortgaging their home to the point where the father is concerned that they will soon lose it.


I could mention the gross mismanagement of taxpayer funds by your Government but that would only cheapen what is really at issue here.  To see this young lady suffer for so long – be denied the only medication of help to her and indebting the family… is all most inhumane.

And that Sir is the only matter that should concern you.

I am hoping that you personally were not aware of her situation but now that you are – am hoping that you will move immediately to see this young lady’s medications paid retroactively by OHIP.


‘K.D. Galagher’