Saturday, March 28, 2015

You Have To Hand It To Ontario’s Liberal..


Government, it is becoming more and more Transparent.

Though just as underhanded and sneaky as ever; but so blatant their actions, they are obvious to all but the most dimwitted.

I am of course speaking of the Grit’s announcement this week to subsidize the hydro bills of low income Ontario households.

But it is not Government which will be doing the subsidizing – rather it is all the rest of us hard-pressed taxpayers. 

Quite the trick if you can get away with it.

And I can just imagine the discussion in Cabinet that took place in the lead up to this week’s announcement. 

It would have gone something like this:

Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli would have led off by saying ‘the time has come to assist low income families in coping with their high hydro bills’.  (Bills which have increased over 300% in the last 10 years.)

Other Members would then have voiced concern that having the Government subsidize rates would likely focus public attention on their mismanagement of the energy file.  (You know the non-performing Green Energy, the endless sunshine list of Hydro Managers and Employees etc.)

‘Not to worry’ come-back Bob would say – it won’t be us – the Government doing the subsidization – it will be all the other hydro users.  

A few Other Members would still voice concern that such an admission has the potential of turning voters away from our Party.

‘Not so’ would say Bob – we have been elected, re-elected 4 times and there is no reason to suspect that the electorate will be any less gullible come the 5th time.

Chortling all around.

Before I leave this topic and leave come-back Bob, one more thing.

Chiarelli boasted that maximum savings for low income hydro users would be up to $500 Million Dollars per year knowing full well that it will never come close to that number though the cash grab from the more well off users may very well reach that height and more.

A family of 4 making less than $28,000 can expect but $38 dollars of subsidy per month and for a family to get the maximum $50 dollar discount they would have to total some 7 members – almost enough to field a baseball team.

If, as Chiarelli has said, it often comes down to a choice between eating and heating – all thanks of course to their twisted green energy policy – sadly this week’s subsidy will do little to reduce the latter in favour of the former.

It will though screw more money from the hapless taxpayer into the coffers of Ontario’s incompetent Government.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’