Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Ideal Running Team.


With the US Presidential Election officially launched by this week’s entry of its first candidate – Canadian born Ted Cruz, I think it is a good time for me to put forward what I see as the ideal Republican Presidential Team to run for President / Vice President in next year’s general election.

But before I get to that, I would like to point out the obvious deficiency in the current makeup of the Party – it is too white and too elderly.  At their convention in 2012 it was difficult to find youth, blacks or hispanics.

Moreover, studies show that 90+% of blacks and 75% of hispanics voted Democrat.  These two groups account for some 100,000 million voters.

Bottom-line here – how can the right possibly win when it gives this much of an advantage to its leftist adversaries.

So that brings me back to my ideal team … for President – Florida Senator Marco Rubio (hispanic) and for his V.P., Neurosurgeon Ben Carson who is black.

Both are actively considering officially announcing their candidacies.

And both appeal to the current Republican constituency – the older white folks and both would – almost by definition, make significant inroads into the minority populations.

Will this happen – not likely.  Money and contacts rule in American politics regardless of whether or not you are a Democrat or a Republican.

But whoever ends up as the Republican team will most likely face Hilary Clinton who at this point is destined to be coronated as her Party’s flag bearer. Much of this has to do with the fact that her Party has set the stage for this by actively discouraging other qualifieds from running.

More recently though, dear Hilary has looked  vulnerable on a number of fronts and with a good Republican opponent – she can be beaten.

It will not be by an old guard Republican such as Jeb Bush.

But whoever ends up in charge - after 8 years of the worst presidency in US history – they will have their work cut out for them. 

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’