Friday, December 19, 2014

Some Quickies …



Or as the late JFK would say – Cubrr.

Obama has for once in his Presidency done the right thing although it will do nothing to help his image that he continues to sell out to dictators and evil generally.

I will still not go to Cuba – even if I was paid to go - since it remains a repressive regime.  I feel the same way about Red China.

My stomach churns when I hear fellow Canadians say that Americans will now ruin Cuba given what boors they are.  Maybe my fellows should look in a mirror first.


Appears to be disintegrating as most of their Alberta MLAs have crossed the floor to the Ruling Tories.

How dishonourable and how short-sighted when what our country needs is a truly conservative party – one that stands for the smallest government as possible and balanced budgets.

It is far too early to determine whether or not Jim Prentice and company will in fact achieve that and unless and until this happens the Wildrose should just stay in place.


One of the traitors who crossed the floor was none other than the Wildrose Leader herself.

If the woman had even a smidgeon of conscience she should have resigned and gone knitting.


A big kerfuffle here in Ottawa when the General Hospital announced that after 100 years it would not be putting up the Nativity Scene in its lobby.

‘Religion has no place in secular society .. don’t you know’.

The hospital got it part right – if it was a new hospital – there’d may no need for Christ at Christmas – but they forgetting history – custom and tradition.

The Ottawa General Hospital was founded by Elizabeth Bruyere – a Roman Catholic Nun and the tradition of the Nativity Scene in her honour has gone on for over 100 years.

And we today are but a collection of our traditions and customs that have gone on before.

Happily the Hospital announced today that it had rethought its position – i.e. after fielding complaints from many outraged patrons – and has decided to erect the Scene once again.

