Just Call Me Scrooge
My wife and I just returned from grocery shopping and we had to negotiate the usual line-up of ‘good causes’ vying for our charitable dollars.
Tables at the entrance – cashiers with their hands out for this, that, or other donation and even charity packers for their pet organization.
Last eve the same when I went for some dinner wine – the cashier asks in front of a cast of thousands for money for the local hospital. I grit my teeth and say no thank you. (this after running the gauntlet of beggars lined up at the entrance and exit of the store).
I am tired of it –plain and simple.
Last week’s big fundraiser at Loblaws was for the Food Bank and we gave generously to that despite my belief that food banks in general are demeaning. There pitch is that “no one’s plate should be empty at Christmas”.
So what are we to take from that – empty the rest of the year is A-OK?
The first chain store that outlaws begging within its 4 walls can count on me to patronize their store.
I view food – like water and air to be a human right and as such should not depend on charity. The States use food stamps and I think we should go that type of route.
Here in Ottawa recent studies show that there are some 35 separate organizations tending to the needs of the homeless. It all seems like just a way to generate employment; the homeless must be outnumbered 3 to 1 .. perhaps more.
A major story appears in today’s National Post saying there are some 86,000 + Charities in Canada alone and that too many consume most of their charitable income in overhead and fundraising. In other words – their real motivation if not a scam is to line the pockets of a select few.
According to Revenue Canada statistics my wife and I donate much more than most – we give to our church and through a branch of the church support needy children overseas where real poverty exists.
When there is trouble overseas we give to Red Cross, when crisis at home – to the Salvation Army and for good causes in our local city – to the United Way.
So here is what I suggest, we all band together and when those numerous hands reach out (unless it is one you know and want to support) – just say “we give to the Red Cross, to the Salvation Army and to United Way ...thank you very much’'.
As I see it…
‘K. D. Galagher’