Tuesday, October 21, 2014

One Thumb Up …


One Thumb Down.

The Upped Thumb:

Yesterday, in the House of Commons, Prime Minister Harper did not hesitate whatsoever in announcing the Terrorist Attack in Quebec which took the life of one of our force’s members and badly injured another.

The Jihadist, was shot to death when he plunged at police with a large knife.

The cowardly killer had run down the two soldiers with his car, a method of killing recommended to these domestic creeps by Islamist Extremist.

Just before he was killed, the Terrorist called 911 to boast about his despicable act all of course in the name of Allah.

Had this happened below the border,  the Little Guy in the White House most likely have written off the incident as an unfortunate automobile accident.  Indeed that has been his modus operandi in numerous such incidents to date – spewing such nonsense as ‘workplace violence’.

So well done Mr. Harper for calling this inhuman act for what it is. 

Too bad you are the type of Leader the West needs – all you lack is an army as opposed to the Little Guy who has an army but lacks leadership.

The Downed Thumb:

Rona Ambrose, the Minister of Health announced today that Canada would not be sending medical personnel to the Ebola infected parts of Africa until … are you ready for it “we have a guaranteed medical evacuation (plan)”.

So here we have thousands of Africans dying from a disease that has no known cure and are in desperate need of the type of modern medical help that only  countries like ours can provide.

And what a weak excuse – no evacuation plan. 

I say that because the key to stopping this outbreak is to contain the outbreak where it now exists and the only way that can effectively be done is by sending expert medical help and treatment to the source.

Sure it is dangerous but so is sending our troops out to fight bad guys around the world.

In our supposed civilized world there are some things that just have to be done and the poor souls fighting for their lives from Ebola are deserving of our humanitarian best.

I would not force medical personnel to do this – rather I would ask for volunteers and knowing us Canadians I suspect there would be lots of takers.

In the meantime get the army working on needed evacuation plans – they are fully up to the task.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’