Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Is There A Solution To The Muslim Crisis?



Certainly not in the short or medium term – i.e. not within the next 10 to 20 years.

And do you know who shares much of the blame?

You and I and more specifically, we in the West who have paid $ Trillions of dollars to Middle Eastern Sheiks for our energy .. primarily oil.

We had a chance in the early 70s – when OPEC was formed, to put in place a crash program to become energy self-sufficient but we let that opportunity pass – some 40 years ago.

Our cash over those subsequent years – has been used to terrorize us abroad, and innocents in their own homelands.

So if there is no solution to the ‘crisis’ – why are we and our other allies sending CF 18’s to bomb ISIS et al?

Glad you asked.

There are three (3) main reasons:

First, it is to degrade (destroy) ISIS the most despicable and barbaric bunch of bastards the world has seen in many a century.

And they can be destroyed from the air since they are not only detested by our friends but by many of our enemies as well.

Second, to give those innocents who are currently trapped by ISIS a chance to run to freedom.  Most notably among these groups are the Christian minorities.  - and -

Third, to give those troops on the ground – the Kurds, the Shia etc. an opportunity to regroup and renew their fight against these ISIS maniacs.

That is why Canada and so many others have joined the US led coalition.

But as the title of this Blog states, this will not bring peace to the Middle East or so many troubled spots in Africa.

Nor will our boots on the ground do any good – as some propose.  Indeed, it has been over 60 years when boots on the ground did any good and that was Korea.  Since then, it has been once big disappointment after another and the consequent loss of life, maiming and loss of treasure.

The only way peace will come to these tragic areas is for the people there themselves to rise up themselves and demand change.

Until that happens – nothing of substance will happen.

In the West we can help things along first by becoming energy self sufficient so we no longer find ourselves funding our own demise.

Second, we need to cut off these troubled areas as much from the rest of the world as possible - not only to prevent the spread of this cancerous terrorism but to force the Muslim populations generally to look inward at themselves for solutions. (can’t you just hear the loony left screaming at this one). 

That’s it from here – bomb ISIS into oblivion while helping native boots on the ground to do the clean-up work – all the while letting those innocents trapped by ISIS an opportunity to escape.

It will not be a fix for the problem but it will at least set the stage for a real fix and drop the issue squarely into the laps of the locals where it properly belongs.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’