Saturday, October 4, 2014

Beg Your Pardon ?…


Say Again.

Mssrs. Mulcair and Trudeau will vote against Canada’s involvement with the coalition of over 40 other countries against ISIS because …

‘Harper has not adequately explained to these two gentlemen the need for it’.

A reality check for them – ISIS has already explained the need to do so by their public beheadings, other vicious modes of killing, raping and sexual slavery and the burying alive of children and babies.

Here is what this week’s UN Report had to say on the subject:

ISIS forces have committed gross human rights violations and violence of an "increasing sectarian nature" against groups including Christians, Yazidis and Shia Muslims in a widening conflict that has forced 1.8 million Iraqis to flee their homes, according to the 29-page report by the UN Human Rights Office and the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

"These include attacks directly targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, executions and other targeted killings of civilians, abductions, rape and other forms of sexual and physical violence perpetrated against women and children, forced recruitment of children, destruction or desecration of places of religious or cultural significance, wanton destruction and looting of property, and denial of fundamental freedoms."

A reputable poll out this weekend states surprisingly that Mulcair and Trudeau are not alone in their bizarre thinking since 26% of Canadians say they share their myopic vision.  

And it is not as though Canada’s contribution is significant … it is not.  Indeed our help to the mission is below modest even – a half dozen aged war planes and a refueler.

Even so, ISIS has made the case for countries like ours to get involved and even the left leaning United Nations concurs – so Harper’s two cents worth is really redundant.

But doesn’t one just shutter to think of either opposition leader as PM – other than I guess for their 26% public supporters.

Let’s be clear here – Canada’s contribution and indeed the entire mission will not succeed in cleaning up the Middle East – it can’t.

The only way the Middle East will be calmed is when the inhabitants of those war torn countries say they have had enough and work together to restore peace and prosperity and the likelihood of that remains years (decades?) off.

What Canada and the others are doing is to curb (degrade) ISIS, the most ruthless group of barbarians the world has known in many of centuries. 

The Mission gives the good guys on the ground such as the Kurds a chance to regroup and fight these cancerous terrorists on their own.

And finally, it gives the victims of ISIS brutality, the opportunity to flee for safety.

That is why Canada is joining on and that is why Mulcair and Trudeau are so misguided in their thinking.

As I recall, was it not Young Trudeau’s dad who rode the streets of Montreal during the Second World War wearing a Nazi helmet?  And was it not Mulcair who came out after 9/11 to say it was an inside job?

Stellar men both.

As I see it …

“K.D. Galagher’