Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Read Them And Weep …


The Polls leading up to tomorrow’s Ontario Election that is.

A couple of days ago, in my last ‘let’s pretend it is election day in Ontario’ I pointed out that although it is virtually a dead-heat between the two major parties, the Liberals were apt to win if for no other reason than they have a lock on GTA’s 40 seats.

Now, on the Eve of Election Day, I do not see that anything has changed from then.  If anything, the Grits have pulled slightly ahead over the course of the last two days.

I am not going to recite here the many reasons why Wynne and company deserve a good thrashing nor am I going to list the critical mistakes made during the campaign by the Hudak folks … by this time, you are as well aware of this as I am.

There will be lots of time to review what went wrong post election day.

In the old movie ‘Harvey’, starring Jimmy Stewart, his character Elwood had this to say; “In this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant. Well for years I was smart; I now prefer pleasant”.

So for me I would rather vote for the nice guy who finishes last than for the crook who finishes first. …

I will be casting my vote for Hudak.

The Unions, which have spent millions upon millions of their members dollars to see this win come about will one day soon see their victory tomorrow as hollow since sooner or later even the Liberals will be forced to take steps to clean up the mess they have created for Ontario’s economy.

In that regard, there is justice in the Liberals winning tomorrow … it could not happen to a more deserving bunch.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’