Monday, June 16, 2014

It is all about the Children …


I have decided to take a break once again from Blog writing.

Before I do however, I want to leave you with two more blogs – today’s and then one to follow about the little gaffer in the White House.

Today’s is about the future … for our once proud Province of Ontario.

Kathleen Wynne, in her recent campaign, urged voters to forget the past – you know the numerous scandals and such … and to focus on the future.

The past, said Wynne, was all about her predecessor Dolton McGuinty.

So okay, let’s do what dear Kathleen wants and focus on a Wynne Ontario.

And let’s do it from the perspective of the future … namely our children and our children’s children.

First … Sex Ed.

As Minister of Education, dear Kathleen tried unsuccessfully to introduce radical sex education into our schools.

This was something that even the Dolster could not stomach and, to his credit, quickly shelved the idea.

But now Wynne is in the driver’s seat, she has announced that one of the first things she will do, as Premier, is to bring back the ill fated Sex Ed Program.

Now some background is in order to better understand the curriculum to follow:

1st., Wynne is a lesbian;

2nd., the person she hand picked to introduce the new sex ed program, while she was Minister, has been charged with being a pedophile, and,

3rd., the most recent study in the United States found only 4% of Americans self identifying as homosexual.

Begs the question what is fuelling this most controversial initiative.

And Controversial It Is:

Starting in Grade One the little gaffers will be exposed to graphic lessons and pictures of sexual body parts.  (as a aside this alone could run educators afoul of the criminal code… but I digress).

In Grade 3, the little urgings will be taught gender theory, that is to say, that it is normal to question whether or not a you are a boy or a girl, regardless of your physic.

In Grade 6, you will be taught how to masturbate and,

In Grade 7, your studies will focus on oral and anal sex.

(And to think, I was always of the opinion that there was not enough history being taught in our schools.)

And at a time when our youth – Grades 1 and 3 should be playing cops and robbers or with dolls.

And then the lessons for Grades 6 and 7 go even further afield.

Bet you did not hear much about all that in the recent election campaign?

So that’s bad, but so is the fact that our children and their children will have to pay off our debts racked up under 4 successive Grit terms.

The Debt is approaching $300 Billion Dollars, our Deficit is slated to climb this year to over $12 Billion Dollars and the Liberal Promise to balance the Budget within 2 to 3 years is … simply pie in the sky.

It won’t happen.

So hug a kid today and thank him or her or whatever, for their kindness.

Talk about a reverse inheritance.

Sadly though, there will be less of them to thank since our Energy costs are three times the norm and rapidly climbing, there will be less jobs for them and the lucky ones will continue, as they do today, to escape the Province for jobs elsewhere – primarily in the West and in the United States.

So go girl go – you are the Wynner; let’s see what you can do.

We can afford to wish you well since it will be our children who will get the bill.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’