Friday, June 13, 2014



On the night of April 30th 1900, ‘Casey’ Jones and his Cannonball Express collided with a stalled freight train on the tracks of the Illinois and Central Railroad.

We in Ontario too have a train wreck in motion and one being engineered by none other than ‘Casey’ Kathleen and her Gritty Crew.

And like the night of April 30th one hundred years ago, things will end in disaster.

But, the Voters of Ontario have spoken and none can later say they were not warned. 

Pundits today, are suggesting that Premier elect, Kathleen Wynne will be forced to be fiscally prudent by the Bond-Raters.

They’d be wrong … they do not realize how inculcated Wynne and her followers are in the obsessive need to spend massive amounts of other people’s money on hair brained schemes and general waste.

The day will come when the party is over – so to speak, but the Liberals will do their best to delay taking meaningful action as long as possible.

So do not expect any quick fixes in the near to medium future and that, dear reader, is what the voters of Ontario are content with in any event.

I do expect Wynne will soon announce a freeze on hiring and salaries but things are so bad economically in Ontario that that would be like spitting in the wind and hoping to put out the fire.

Jobs will continue to be lost with energy rates 3x what they are in neighbouring provinces and states.  Wynne’s new ill advised pension scheme will create even more incentive for businesses to pick up- and go elsewhere.  All, will cause more and more unemployment in all sectors of the economy.

It is for that reason I am not happy with yesterday’s election results but I am happy that the voters were given the opportunity to have their say.

And I am also absolutely delighted by the fact that it is Wynne who, for the next 4 years, will have to live with the disaster created by her Grit forebears over the course of the last decade and more.

So keep your hand on the Throttle dear Kathleen and remember, like the ill fated ‘Casey’, when the crash ultimately occurs … you will be riding right up at the very front of the Train.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’