Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Baaaaa Baaaa Baaa ....

Sheep ....All of Us.

I am on record as saying that the Terrorists - to date - have won.

Western Countries have spent $$$ Trillions of Dollars on "enhancing" Security; there are now more Security Organizations in Government than for any other activity.

Borders have hardened and travel has been impaired especially when it comes to flight.

And it is with respect to this last activity that sparks this Blog.

On the weekend - this Thanksgiving Weekend - one of the busiest for airports across the country, saw airport security staff, at Toronto's Pearson International, walk off their jobs in strike protest.

Thousands of passengers were affected, flights missed, time wasted, tempers flared.... But,

Nothing Was Done, Save For Some Bleating.

I'd like to think that if I had been there amongst the affected fliers, I would have tried to organize a 'walk through security protest'. I would not have attempted to do it myself for fear of being branded a nut bar but if enough joined together it would force the Airport Authorities to look seriously at the nonsense of screening innocent men, women, and children even to the point of having them endure virtual strip searches.

If this caught on, it would take Authorities no time at all to find replacement ways in which to deter Terrorists. Israel does it effectively, we can do so as well.

To regain our freedom, we need to regain our courage and as a first step we need to walk through Airport Security sans the intrusive screening.

As I see it....

'K.D. Galagher'