Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You Have To See The Irony In Today's Headline..

'Germany must assume Administration of the European Union' !!

Is this not the same country that unleashed two wars in the last century resulting in nearly 100 million deaths in its unsuccessful attempts to gain control of the Continent?

And now, Europe is not only being handed to them, it is being foisted upon them since no other country in the Union has the financial wherewithal to deal with the ever growing financial crisis.

Had Hitler only been patient, he and his Nazis Gang could have had all of Europe without firing a single shot.

Indeed, Hitler's National Socialist Party, in contrast to Communism, was an Industrial Based Dictatorship. That is to say, Industry / Private Property was to be encouraged with a view to its dominating the whole of the European Economy. (Communism of course was based on the non-workable notion that property was to be owned in common by all. At the end of the day, the two styles of government were one and the same since all their citizens became subject to ruthless Dictatorship)

My father, my grandfather, and my great grandfather, all volunteered to fight the Father Land and if they were alive today would no doubt be shaking their heads.

But that's not the only irony.

Today, some 65 years after WWII, Germany is not so keen on assuming this responsibility.

And who can blame them.

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, West Germany united with the Eastern Part of their country which had been under the control of Russia since the war.

East Germany was a financial basket case in much the same way Greece is today.

But Germany prevailed and successfully restored the financial health of its returned citizens.

But now, it is being asked to do the same with respect to Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland and possibly France.

And while the Germans, post war, went about their ways in a prudent and industrious fashion, the countries noted above spent above their abilities' to pay and extended entitlements to ridiculous levels.

The fact is - the Task Today is Too Large for any one country to manage even one as successful as Germany.

Some, or all of these needy countries, are going to have be cut adrift and the whole concept of the European Union revisited.

As I See It...
